
I've Got Spirit Yes I Do... I've Got Spirit... How About You?

Uh...no! Definitely not. In an attempt to save some coin, I made the mistake of booking my ticket on Spirit. I figured my last horrible experience with them was a long seven years ago and in that time, they must have hired better staff, upgraded their airlines and generally made the Spirit traveling experience a more enjoyable one. How wrong I was. The trouble started upon arrival at LAX. The surly and disinterested clerk barely glanced at me, didn't ask for ID and then informed me that it was $10 to check my bags. "You're kidding right?" The look on his face told me that no he wasn't kidding and he has probably never kidded in all his years at Spirit airlines. So because I'd wanted to travel light, I had decided to check my duffel and I was carrying two bags. Twenty dollars to check my bags. It's not the money that matters but the principle. If you have to pay for bags, it defeats the purpose of a cheaper ticket. But what's a girl to do? I grudgingly paid for the bags and then Mr. Friendly proceeded to let me walk towards the security without telling me that I needed to take my bags to those new screening checkpoints. Upon noticing that all my fellow travelers were waiting in a different line, I turned back just in time to hear him tell the bag man, "These are abandoned bags. Don't know where she went." I waved frantically and got his charming grimace in response.But it gets worse. We were delayed for 45 minutes and not a single announcement was made. I couldn't even see a crew member for the airline. Maybe they were all back in the back loading luggage. Got to keep those costs low. So I waited and read and waited. Finally we boarded and after takeoff, my seatmate and I wanted drinks. Turns out they charge for that too. Not alcoholic drinks folks (though after this flight I needed to drink heavily) but sodas, juice, coffee or tea. Definitely another black mark against Spirit.But the final straw was as I tried to make my return to LA. I arrived at La Guardia yesterday for my 3pm flight. It was raining and miserable outside so of course the lovely staff members of Spirit were in great moods. I handed my ID to the attendant and he informed me that I would make my first connection to Detroit but that I wouldn't make it to LAX that evening. I shrugged, thinking, "One more evening can't hurt.""That's okay. I'll just get a flight out tomorrow." He punched some buttons and then grunted and in his Spirit robot voice said, "The earliest I can get you out if Thursday, around 1pm." TWO DAYS! Not even the next evening, they simply said, "Sorry. We're overbooked. I was stunned. What kind of airline says sorry, it'll be another two days before you can leave. The anger and surprise left me shocked and dazed. I realized I hadn't even kicked up a fuss. I didn't ask for vouchers or hotel money. I just turned around and slunk off back to twin sisters. Of course time in NYC is never a bad thing especially seeing Twin Sis but I wanted/needed to get back for work. Getting paid after a week's vacation is always nice. Plus it's been almost a month since I've slept in my own bed, used my shower or devoured my TIVO. Basically I miss my home. I tried calling Spirit to complain and got outsourced God knows where. He listened to me vent for 10 minutes (after 20 minutes of holding) and then conveniently we got disconnected. More of that fantastic Spirit airlines service. So tomorrow morning I head back to La Guardia and...sigh...Spirit. Here's hoping that they prove me wrong and show me that they aren't nearly as competent as they seem.
Posted by: Hollie - Inzino Staff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

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