

It's early and I can't fall back of asleep.. I should get up and run but instead I read 8 newspapers online ad bitch about politics on my school posts... I can't believe that the "mastermind" behind the 9/11 attacks confesses in Gitmo and it barely makes the news...Oh, I am sure his confession was extracted in an oh so Jack Bauer like way... but I am puzzled still as how something that devasted our country would get such little attention.. Oh that's right the mass contolled media is run by the goverment and there is NO freedom of press anymore.. And he's british Born.. (Muslim yes) but not from Iraq, Iran Afghanistan or any of the other oil rich countires that we pin all the terrorists on. American government officials are the real terrorists.. They keep us pinned to the grindstone.. and our stupid tvs... working..slaving to pay taxes so they can fight their wars...hogwash really.
Posted by: Ellyn - Inzino Staff

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