
Your balls offend me, Infidel

A demonstration has been held in south- east Afghanistan accusing US troops of insulting Islam after they distributed footballs bearing the name of Allah.The balls showed the Saudi Arabian flag which features the Koranic declaration of faith. Methinks the Mullahs are little testy because this hearts & minds stuff actually works. These Afghan kids, living the closest to normal as they ever have, going to school, getting candy bars and soccer balls from the Americans, are less likely to sit around listening to Uncle Ahmed tell the story (for the zillionth) of how he lost his eye fighting the Infidel swine in the mountains. No, they will be outside playing like kids are supposed to, instead of learning how to wire themselves with explosives and hate Jews just because they're Jews. And that, ladies, gentlemen and Jihadis, is how America is going to win the war.I'll bet you ten Yankee greenbacks that they'll even manage to win over old Uncle Ahmed, by giving him a new eye...
Posted by: Wendy - inzino staff

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